Q: How to encrypt files?
Q: How to create Open Password for users?
Q: How can I know the Machine ID of the user's computer?
Q: Why can't user open the encrypted file?
Q: What's Product ID
Q: What's One Computer One Password?
Q: What's Password Dialog?
An: How to encrypt files? [Use PPT to EXE Converter as example]
Step 1. Add files into the list, you may multiple selects, mouse right-click inside the list for more function.
Step 2. Specify your encryption key, use the encryption key to encrypt files.
Step 3. Click "Convert and Encrypt " to start encrypt.
Screenshot: [Use PPT to EXE Converter as example]

An: How to create Open Password for user? [Use PPT to EXE Converter as example]
Step 1, Specify the encryption key you used to encrypt the files .
Step 2, Enter the machine ID of the computer of the user.
Step 3 [optioned],
You can set expiry date or opening times for your user .
Step 4. Click "Create Open Password".
Screenshot: [Use PPT to EXE Converter as example]

An: How can I know the Machine ID of the user's computer?
When a user wants to open an encrypted file, the encrypted file will pop up a dialog box to
the user to enter Open Password. This dialog box will display the machine ID of the user's
computer. The user can send his/her own machine ID to you, and you can create Open
Password based on the user's machine ID. After that the user can use this Open Password to Open
your file on his/her computer.

An: Why can't user open the encrypted file?
Your user must need a correct open password if you encrypted the file with one computer one password mode , after that she/he enters the password and opens the encrypted file.
If your user still can't open the encrypted file after she/he entered a correct open password, please watch the following:
File encrypted by Video to exe encryptor
------- Maybe the user's computer doesn't have corresponding codec that your video files need, you may let the user install the Free K-Lite Mega Codec Pack.
File encrypted by Video Packer
------- You need convert the video format to avi or flv or rmvb or mpeg or mpg, then encrypt it
File encrypted by Pdf to EXE Encrypter
------- Please let your user to install Adobe Reader first, support 8.0 & 9.0 & 10.0 & X & Later Version.
File encrypted by PPTX to EXE Advanced Converter
------- User needs install Microsoft PowerPoint on her/his computer.
If your file is ppt or pps, User's computer needs install Office 2003, 2007, 2010, or later.
If your file is pptx or ppsx, User's computer needs install Office 2007, 2010, or later.
File encrypted by Word to EXE Converter or Excel to EXE Converter
------- Maybe your computer has not installed Microsoft Office software, or your Office software's version is lower than the encrypted document
An: What's Product ID?
If you want your user only enter open password one time for some encrypted files, you may specify these files use same Product ID. if your uses input any one correct open password, the others will not input open password again. |